What I’m Loving, Edition April 2021

April is coming to a close and we are finally going to see some warmer temps here in TN this week. I can’t wait – especially since it snowed ever so slightly last week. I mean, where are we? North Dakota? Here are a few things I’m loving this month: This podcast episode: I loved listening to Dr. Josh Axe discuss the healing power of food. In fact, I loved…

Waiting for Beauty

I don’t usually like to get my hands dirty. I tend to leave those filthy jobs to Peter, even though I know there is something healing about digging in the dirt and tending to new life budding up through the soil. But today I was tasked with planting seeds in our front flower bed. Peter was doing the heavy lifting – shoveling wheelbarrows full of dirt all over our yard…

When You Need a Cheerleader

Having a child brings a whole new level to the term “no modesty.” As many of you have experienced, monthly doctor’s visits during your pregnancy leave little to the imagination. You are poked and prodded in all the places and it becomes no big deal to strip down to nothing, put on a gown, and lay on a table for all to see. Delivery adds another dimension. If you are…

Today I Am Weary

Today, I am weary. I am weary from restless nights. I am weary from waking early. I am weary from working full-time and cooking and cleaning and all the things. I am weary from constant worry about one of my children. I am weary from all that comes with having a daughter who is about to graduate. I am weary from arguing with a headstrong child. I am weary from…

What I’m Loving, Edition March 2021

Hey, everybody! It’s the end of March and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel of this crazy school year. I’m ready to swim in my pool and go on vacation and leave the cares of my job behind for a few weeks. Anybody else? March has been good to us. We had spring break toward the beginning of the month and didn’t really do much.…

Great Expectations

“Get a dog,” they said. “It’ll be fun!” they said. Look, this mama isn’t stupid. I knew a puppy would be a lot of work. I threatened the children before we brought our little sunshine home, explaining that I was at capacity with all the responsibilities I already had and they were going to have to help out with this newest addition to our family. “Of course we’ll help, Mom!”…

My Last Normal Morning

The warm spring wind blew in every direction. “Look at my crazy hair, Mom!” Jillienne giggled as she pedaled her red tricycle around the driveway. The kids and I were enjoying our spring break at home, playing pickle ball and learning to roller skate and drawing chalk shapes on the sidewalk. It was the perfect afternoon full of sunshine and much needed warmth. Yet something was nagging underneath the perfection.…

Asking Questions and Looking for Answers

Man. The Trinity is hard to understand. Do you agree? Trying to dissect God the Father from God the Son from God the Holy Spirit. Well, it’s a lot to take in. I’m not sure I want to dive into this topic because honestly it brings up more questions than answers but here goes… Lately I’ve been hearing a lot of people talk about how their relationship is different with…

God Is Not a Checklist (And Other Really Smart Things I’ve Said Recently)

I am currently reading 4 books. At the same time. Never in my whole life have I been this “good” at multitasking. (insert eye roll) (because I’m not good at multitasking) The first one I’m reading is called How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids. If that gives you any indication as to where this conversation might be going today. (And I’m sorry if that title just offended…

What I’m Loving, Edition February 2021

February has been filled with FUN! We had several inches of snow here in TN right after Valentine’s Day and our family had a blast sledding and building snow forts. I don’t love cold weather but the snow was a definite family favorite! Here are some other favorites from this month: Share Your Stuff by Laura Tremaine: Many of you may know Laura Tremaine from the Sorta Awesome podcast or…