Should I or Shouldn’t I?

I’ve been a Christian for most of my life, but I’m just now learning to consistently discern the voice of Jesus. If you are anything like me, you know what I mean. I tend to forge ahead with what I want to do and if it doesn’t contradict the Word of God, I think it’s okay. And while that may not be the best theology, it does hold some truth.…

I’m Not Scared

Well, the kids are heading back to school today. I probably say this every single year, but this has been the shortest summer ever. It’s also been weird. I feel like I never really got my footing this summer. In years past, I’ve had chore charts and daily schedules. A little reading and math each morning, library visits on Tuesdays and pool days on Thursdays, a fun outing on Wednesdays.…

My Constant

It’s summer break, and a couple weeks ago, three of our four children were in Louisiana. For two whole weeks. They stayed with my parents after our long 4th of July weekend and got to participate in lots of fun “grandparent-y” things. Eating snow cones and ice cream with yummy toppings, woodworking, playing in the pool, playing volleyball and badminton in the front yard, and attending Dinosaur Camp. It was…

What I’m Loving, Edition July 2021

It’s the last Monday in July and summer is coming to a close. I’m trying not to be sad about it, but soon I will be back at work and the kids will be back in school. It’s really gone by too quickly, in my opinion. But to make us all feel better, here are a few things I’ve been loving this month. Walking with God: I am slowly making…

One Month From Tomorrow

One month from tomorrow we will load up our van and her car. One month from tomorrow we will caravan to her university. One month from tomorrow we will do our best to make her dorm room feel like home. And one month from tomorrow we will drive away, part of our heart left behind.   I’ll miss seeing her stumble into the kitchen each morning, wiping the sleep from…

This Contentment that Eludes Me

Summer is in full swing and I couldn’t be happier. We put in a pool at our home last November and we are finally able to enjoy it. In fact, just this afternoon, Jillienne was taking a nap so I headed out to the pool with my book in order to get a little sun. An hour later, Peter found me laying on a float, reading my kindle, not a…

God Over the Nations

Tomorrow, all across the United States, we will celebrate the birth of America. For so many, the 4th of July represents freedom and sacrifice. It’s a day of fun and fireworks and days at the lake and barbecues and family gatherings. Yet right now, our country is more divided than ever. Democrats versus Republicans, race pitted against race, liberals versus conservatives. It’s disheartening. I recently saw an advertisement for a…

What I’m Loving, Edition June 2021

Hey, everyone! I know it may seem like I’ve dropped off the earth over here. So sorry about that! Things have been crazy – our oldest daughter graduated from high school so we had lots of activities related to that event. Then we scooted off on a road trip with our little family of six, which was a ton of fun! But mostly, I’ve had no mental space to write…

Hate Them All

Sunday our pastor preached on Luke 14:26. Read no further if you don’t want to be convicted. Trust me. I’m warning you. This is what that verse says: “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.” (For the record, the word “hate” doesn’t mean exactly…

Such A Nerd

Y’all. Last month I hosted my very first book club. I know! As much as I love to read, how is it even possible that I have never participated in a book club!? When I first mentioned to Peter that I wanted to have a book club at our house once a month, he looked at me like I was a little bit off my rocker. (Which, admittedly, I am…