What Sounds Fun to You?

What Sounds Fun to You? I love to listen to Annie F Downs’ podcast, That Sounds Fun. It’s probably my favorite podcast right now. She interviews interesting guests and asks great questions. She recently released a new book, That Sounds Fun, where she talks about the importance of finding a hobby and having fun. (Admittedly, I haven’t yet read this book, but it’s on my list.) One thing Annie asks…

Favorite Books of the Year! (And a Giveaway!)

Ok, friends – here it is! The list of my favorite books from 2021. As usual, I’m asking you to comment with the one you’d like to read – and you’ll be entered in a giveaway to receive that book. The giveaway will be open until Sunday, December 12, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. CST so get your entries in! (Links are affiliate) Here are my favorite books from 2021 (in…

What I’m Loving, Edition November 2021

Thanksgiving is over – I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas! Thanksgiving always seems to get overlooked, doesn’t it? At least in recent years, I’ve felt like everyone rushes through the holiday in order to get to December. Thanksgiving is my favorite, though, with no pressure of buying the right gift or being super busy with all the extra Christmas parties and the dreaded holiday crafts. All you have to do…

Who Do I Run To?

Bringing home a toddler from a foreign country comes with many issues that you don’t really think about until you’re in the trenches. After being abandoned by her birth mom and placed in an orphanage, Jillienne had to learn to trust the nuns who were caring for her. Trust that they would meet her needs. Then when she was placed in my arms, she had to learn to trust me.…

What I’m Loving, Edition October 2021

October is my fave – fall weather plus my birthday month equals one happy mama! Our family has been busy with two birthday celebrations, Jillienne’s Gotcha Day, fall break, and gearing up for halloween. I’m worn out but also content with all the things we’ve enjoyed recently. Here are some of my October favorites: (Some links are affiliate) Spanx Faux Leather Leggings: These leggings are great for date night –…

I Wrote A Book!

Yes, it’s true!   I wrote a book and I’m so excited to share it with all of you! When God Proves Faithful: An Adoption Memoir is our family’s story of infertility, loss, and adoption. And although it’s our story, it is also your story. My prayer in writing this book is that you will not only be able to see God’s hand in our family, but in your family as…

What I’m Loving, Edition September 2021

Aah. The weather is cooling down (maybe) and it’s beginning to feel like fall around here. I’ve had several favorite things this month but the best thing was seeing our girl this weekend for Belmont parent and family weekend. Brienne is happy and healthy and loving life, which makes this mama feel relieved and content. Here are a few other things I’m loving right now. (Some links are affiliate) The…

When God Closes the Door

Growing up in church, you can’t help learning all the Bible stories – Noah’s Ark, Daniel and the Lion’s Den, Jonah and the Whale. I’ve heard those stories over and over, yet still God sometimes shows me something new. Recently I was praying through the Bible for one of my children and I found myself face to face with the story of Noah. His faithfulness. His obedience in building this…

The Contagion of Complaining

Jonah was complaining, once again, that I never let him play his video games. He was begging to play on his school laptop and I had told him no for the bazillionth time that afternoon. (I would just like to say, for the record, that having personal laptops for every child in our district has been difficult for our family. Technology addiction is real and I’m so thankful the elementary…

What I’m Loving, Edition August 2021

It’s the end of August and time for my favorite things! Who Is Maud Dixon? I just finished this book – it’s been getting a lot of buzz. Y’all. It was interesting and shocking and unexpected. I realize those words are redundant, but if you need something to read, this is the one you want to grab! This podcast: It’s no secret I love Annie F Downs, but maybe it…