Sunday is Coming

The drama started early at our house this morning. Vivi woke up at 5:45 acting like she was starving. And while I was feeding her, I could hear Jonah talking and playing in his room. Seriously, little people? Five a.m. doesn’t really work for me. Once I got Vivienne settled back to sleep and I made sure Jonah wasn’t going to jump out of bed and attempt a daring escape,…

I Wanna Be An Orange Rhino

A few weeks ago a friend of mine posted a link on Facebook to the Orange Rhino Challenge. Basically, this challenge was started by a mom who wanted to yell less at her kids so she decided to challenge herself, and other moms, to 365 days of no yelling. She picked a “rhino” because a rhino is generally a laid back animal. Unless it is provoked. Then it gets all…

Lessons from a Chatterbox

Brienne likes to talk. And she talks a lot. I mean, a lot! Oftentimes, Peter and I can’t even get a word in. And poor Jonah. He just waits patiently till she stops talking. Which is almost never. I’m not exaggerating. And it’s not just that Brienne likes to talk. I think all of us like to talk a little bit. I like to talk to my friends and to…

Little Things

It’s Mustache March. For those of you who’ve never heard of Mustache March, it’s a month of macho madness where grown men in the United States Air Force (I’m not sure if they do this in the other military branches) compete to see who can grow the best mustache. It’s super fun. I love my husband but I definitely do not love Mustache March. I believe Brie even once called…

Diary of a Wimpy… 37 Year Old??

I posted on Facebook that I finally reached my goal weight today. And that Vivienne will be nine months old tomorrow. My friends are so sweet and supportive, congratulating me and making me feel so good about myself. It was mostly other mommies who know we all need a little encouragement every now and then.  You know, I’ve always heard “Nine months on, nine months off,” and to be honest,…

Blessed Beyond Exhaustion

Today I am exhausted. Like squinty-eyed, grumpy, can’t finish a sentence, lose my train of thought exhausted. If you’re a mom, you’ve been there. And until you become a mom, whatever exhaustion you thought you’ve felt in the past does not compare. Moms have so much to worry about and think about – feeding schedules; nap schedules; piano practice; sports schedules; illnesses; did the homework get finished; did the kids…

Our journey to Jonah

We have had tons of people who are continuing to ask about our adoption so I thought I would share our journey from the beginning. It actually all started nine years ago while Peter and I were trying to get pregnant with Brienne. We had been trying to have a baby for a couple years with no luck and one night I was reading “Jesus the One and Only” by…

Chapel, Hairbows, and Favorite Stores

I had been looking forward to yesterday all week. First of all, it was Friday. And to top it off, it was payday. When you’re a stay-at-home mom, Fridays don’t really hold the same appeal as they do when you’re working outside the home. Mostly because all 7 days of the week look pretty much the same. But yesterday was supposed to be different. I had big plans. Friday morning…

Always a Party

Yep. I’m starting a blog. At the age of 37. But, hey, it’s never too late to start, right? I decided to write a blog because I rarely have time to sit down with pen and paper and write about all the craziness that happens each day but I figured I would usually have time to jump online and quickly post something. I really wanted a record of all the…