What I’m Loving, Edition December 2022

It’s my last Favorite Things post of 2022 – I can’t believe the New Year is only a few days away. I hope all of you have had a wonderful holiday season and are looking forward to what 2023 can bring. I thought I would end this year with some of my favorites from all of 2022 as well as a couple new items. And as always, I’d love to…

Favorite Books of the Year and a GIVEAWAY!

It’s my favorite post of the year! I love telling you all about the best books I’ve read during the year. Plus, if you leave a comment (either here on the blog or on my corresponding social media post) telling me which book you’d like to read, you’ll be entered in a giveaway to receive that book! This year I’ve also included a “For Kids” category for those upper elementary/middle…

Just For A Moment

Last week our power went out. Honestly, it’s not that unusual out here in the country – any little bit of wind we get causes some sort of electrical surge and we often lose power (or internet) for a few minutes. But this felt different. Yes, we’d had some high winds the day before but everything had been relatively calm otherwise. So when our whole world went dark, it was…

What I’m Loving, Edition November 2022

I feel like I blinked and November is over. Does anyone else feel that way? Sooner than I’d like, it will be 2023! Here are a few of my favorite things from this month: (Some links are affiliate) First, a few things to read: The Winners by Fredrik Backman: If  you haven’t read anything by this author, I’d encourage you to start with My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You…

In the Quiet Darkness

It’s 1:30 in the morning and I can’t sleep. Peter is lying next to me, tossing and turning, coughing. He’s just been diagnosed with pneumonia and he can’t sleep either. My body is exhausted but my mind just won’t shut off long enough for me to rest. And this is when the enemy begins his attack. In the quiet darkness, he whispers little lies. Soon those hints of fears he’s…

What I’m Loving, Edition October 2022

Fall is definitely one of my favorite times of the year. Pumpkin muffins and Dunkin’ Donuts pumpkin coffee and cooler weather all work together to make me happy. Here are some of my favorite things! First, some things to watch: I recently started watching Abbott Elementary on ABC, and it is so funny. Filmed in the same style as The Office, it follows teachers at a low-income school. This show…

What I’m Loving, Edition September 2022

Well, I actually feel as if I’ve fallen off the face of the earth. This has been our busiest fall season yet and I’ve had to drop the ball on several things. Housework, unfortunately has been a ball I’ve let drop. Apparently writing – one of the things I love most in the world – was also one of those things. But I couldn’t resist doing a favorite things for…

Wins of Summer 2022

Why must summer come to an end? Although I love routines, I’m truly not ready for school and all that fall has in store for us. But I’d thought I’d go out on a positive note, so here are my wins of Summer 2022: (some links are affiliate) Movies! This was the summer of the blockbuster movies and boy was I glad to be back in the theater. Peter and…

What I’m Loving, Edition July 2022

Sadly, my summer is just about over. These past few weeks have flown by and soon I’ll return to work and the kids will return to school. I know I shouldn’t complain about how quickly summer seems to go – I should be grateful to have the summer off – yet still it’s never quite long enough. Here are some of my favorite things from July. (some links are affiliate)…

What If? The fears of an MRI

I had a brain MRI. Several weeks ago I’d been plagued by migraines and headaches for over a month straight. Finally, one day while working with a student on his articulation skills and not being able to form coherent sentences myself, I knew I had to see a doctor. I made an appointment for the following morning and went to my primary care physician. He asked all the usual questions…