What I’m Loving, Edition September 2023

Will fall ever show up? This weather in Tennessee likes to tease us for sure! But regardless, here are some of my favorite things this month. Something to Read The Paris Daughter: This was a book club pick and one of my favorite reads this year. Set in Paris in World War II, it follows the story of two women and choices made that affected their families for decades to…

What I’m Loving, Edition August 2023

Happy August, friends! It’s been hotter than I’ve ever experienced here in Tennessee and I’m ready for some cooler weather. I’m sure you are too! But I’ve got lots of fun things for you to check out from this month. Let me know some of your favorites!   Something to read: The Book of Lost Names: one of the most interesting historical fiction novels I’ve ever read about World War…

What I’m Loving, Edition July 2023

Well, sadly, my summer is just about over. I’ve attended a couple workshops this past week, worked in my classroom to get it ready, and will head back to work in just a couple of days. Summer always feels way too short. But I’ve got some great things to share with you from July! (Some links are affiliate) Something to Listen to: Don’t Mom Alone podcast episode 35: This particular episode…

Happy 4th!

Recently, Jillienne discovered a small American flag that she’d given to Peter a couple months ago. As she plucked it from the jar on Peter’s desk, she began waving the flag above her head and skipping around the living room, singing remnants of “You’re a Grand Ole Flag.” I smiled as her song created sweet background music while I worked in the kitchen. Soon, though, I heard Jonah exclaim, “Stop…

What I’m Loving, Edition June 2023

Summer is slipping quickly by – it’s almost July and I’m super sad about it! But I’ve got some great recommendations for my favorite things this month. Check them out! (some links are affiliate) Something to Read: The Judge’s List by John Grisham: This book was published in 2021 but I just recently picked it up. I love a good crime mystery and this doesn’t disappoint. (FYI – this is…

Check Out My Latest Book!

I’m so excited to share an excerpt from my newest book, Wanted: 21 Days of Encouragement for Moms of Children with Special Needs. Grab your copy now!   DAY ONE “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.” Psalm 77:11-12 My heart pounded in my chest as my husband…

What I’m Loving, Edition May 2023

Summer is here! Woohoo! Can you tell I’m excited that school is finally out for summer? It’s been a good but long year and I’m grateful for a few weeks of rest, relaxation, vacations, summer camps, and time with my sweet little family. Here are a few things I’ve been loving lately. (Some links are affiliate) Something to Read: I’ve read several good books over the past couple months. I finally…

What I’m Loving, Edition February 2023

Hey, friends! I hope you’re hanging in there through this crazy winter! We’ve had frigid days and then last week it was 80 degrees. In Tennessee. In February. Peter even opened up our pool last week, getting it ready for the summer.We’ve definitely got spring fever. Here are some of my favorite things from this past month: Something to Watch If you’re not watching The Chosen, I highly encourage you…

What I’m Loving, Edition January 2023

Happy January! How are those New Year’s resolutions going for you? I’m not really a resolution girl anymore although I do love making goals each year. I’d love to know if you make resolutions and if so, what they are! Ok – enough about goals and resolutions. Here are a few of my favorite things from January: Something to watch: We just finished watching Season 3 of Jack Ryan on…

My Word of the Year for 2023

I can’t believe it’s already 2023. I’m just now getting used to writing 2022 and now I have to learn a whole new set of numbers! What is wrong with me these days? I’ve been thinking and praying about my word of the year for the past few weeks. I generally pick a word I feel God is talking to me about. Last year, my word was celebrate. I wanted…