What I’m Loving, Edition June 2024

Hi, friends! I feel like I’ve been AWOL lately here on the blog. It’s summer and frankly I don’t even know what day it is most of the time but here are a few recent things I’m loving. Something to Read: I read Tom Lake a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it. This is a quiet story set during COVID which follows a mother’s retelling of her younger years…

What I’m Loving, Edition April 2024

I don’t know how you feel, but April has been a long month. Yet I can’t believe May begins this week! Our family is looking forward to some pool time and summer relaxation. Here are a few things I’m loving right now. (some links are affiliate) Something to Read: Solace of Water: this is a story that follows two families – one African American and one Amish – who befriend…

Do What You Came For

Jesus said, “My friend, go ahead and do what you have come for.” Then the others grabbed Jesus and arrested him.  Matthew 26:50 NLT   I’ve been thinking a lot about Judas lately. I know this isn’t a popular sentiment, but Easter often brings out the melancholy in me. Plus, I think watching The Chosen has changed my perspective on lots of things. Maybe “changed” is the wrong word. Maybe…

What I’m Loving, Edition March 2024

Happy Spring! I’m so happy to see the sun – it lifts my entire mood. Here are some of my favorite things right now. (some links are affiliate) I’d love to hear what you’re loving these days too! Something to Listen to: This episode of the Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey: Kristi McClelland is one of my favorite Bible teachers. She’s helped me understand the cultural context of the Bible…

What I’m Loving, Edition February 2024

January was 10 million years long and suddenly February is over. I don’t understand how one month feels like forever and the next feels like a blink. Anyway, here are some of my favorites from February! Something to Listen to: Blurry Creatures Episode 163: Alright. Hear me out. The Blurry Creatures podcast is all about big foot and crop circles and aliens, which isn’t something I’m usually into. But the…

What I’m Loving, Edition January 2024

2024 has come in like a lion here in Tennessee! We had a week of snow days so I feel like school has been very inconsistent around here since Thanksgiving. I love being home and cozied up by the fire, but I also like routine, knowing what’s expected and when it’s going to happen. So here’s to hoping the rest of the school year plays out like normal. However, in…

2024 Word of the Year

Happy New Year, Friends! Can you believe it’s 2024? The older I get, the more quickly a year passes by. I was in Publix a few days ago, engaged in a long conversation with the checkout clerk about how fast November and December seemed to go. I feel ancient when I speak like this, yet it’s true. Looking back at pictures from last Christmas, I can see how much older…

Favorite Books of 2023 and a GIVEAWAY!!

It’s time for my favorite post of the year! I’ve gathered all the best books from 2023 in one place for you. These books would make great gifts for the readers in your life! (links are affiliate) To enter the giveaway, comment below or on social media with the book you’d love to read. You’ll be entered in a drawing to receive that book! Giveaway closes at midnight on Sunday,…

What I’m Loving, Edition November 2023

Hey, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We traveled to Louisiana to visit family and had a great time. Now I’m looking forward to the Christmas season! Here are a few things I’ve been loving this month: Something to Read: The No-Show: I literally just finished this book and it was surprisingly good! It follows three women who have all been stood up on Valentine’s Day…

What I’m Loving, Edition October 2023

Happy Halloween!! Obviously, I’m a few days late to this party. October is already over, and now we’re entering my very favorite time of year. Colorful leaves and hot chocolate and fuzzy blankets and Thanksgiving foods and family. I’m here for it all! Here are some of my favorites from this past month. (Some links are affiliate) Something to Read: The Unsinkable Greta James: I read this a few weeks…