What I’m Loving, Edition September 2020

Happy Fall, y’all! We made it through a month of school and, although it’s been a strange year so far, we are doing it! I hope you’re not only surviving but thriving this school year too. My favorite things list went AWOL in August but it’s back this month. Here are several things I’m loving right now! Big Boo Cast with Phil Rosenthal: I love the Big Boo cast. Sophie…

When the Decisions Overwhelm You

Do you know that old lullaby, “Hush little baby, don’t say a word?” I sing that, along with several other songs, to Jillienne every night as she falls asleep. Normally I find myself going through the motions, but a couple weeks ago I found myself in a bit of a funk. As I got to the last line of that old song, my breath caught in my throat. If that…

When Ezekiel Calls Me Out

I sat in my favorite chair, reading through the book of Ezekiel, tears rolling down my face. So many truths were bombarding me on this cool fall morning as I thought about my children. So many questions the Lord seemed to be asking me. “…do you see what the elders of the house of Israel are committing in the dark, each man in the room of his carved images?” Ezekiel…

When Margin is Lacking

Margin. It’s what’s lacking in my life. From the time Jillienne wakes at 4:50 each morning, I am pulled in a thousand different directions. My Bible lies, untouched, neglected, waiting for me to once again open it. I need to drink from that well of wisdom, but my normal time of prayer and sitting still before the Lord has been interrupted these last few weeks of early morning wake-ups. Even…

To My Daughter on the Start of Her Senior Year

My oldest daughter is a senior this year. I don’t know how that has happened. In my mind, she is still a tiny preschooler running along the beach. But in reality, she is a beautiful young lady who is almost ready to embark on a new adventure as an adult. As I think about this upcoming year, this year of lasts, tears threaten to flow down my cheeks. Honestly, I…

The Friend I Want to Be

In normal times, I teach a group of high school girls at church every Sunday and I love it so much. Of course, these aren’t normal times, so I’m missing these funny and sassy and inquisitive teens.  I miss their questions that I can’t answer. I’m not that great at thinking on my feet but these girls… They really keep me on my toes. Several months ago we began talking…

Yesterday I Cried At Work: An Educator’s Perspective

Yesterday I cried at work. And it wasn’t a quiet, tears-silently-trickling-down-my-cheeks cry. No. It was a gasping, shoulder-shaking sob-on-a-sweet-friend’s-shoulder cry.  Yesterday I cried at work. And it wasn’t because I didn’t want to be there. It was because I did. Yet I found myself worrying about how to meet the needs of all my students. Yesterday I cried at work. And it wasn’t because I don’t like my job. It…

A First Day Like No Other

(I honestly had another post ready to go this morning, but instead I decided to share something I posted over on Instagram last week. For those of you struggling with this new normal, you’re not alone.)   Today was a “First Day” like no other. Walking the halls in my elementary school, greeting friends and coworkers, all while unable to see their beautiful faces – it felt strange and normal…

The Last Day

Last week I completed my 40-Day sugar fast. If you’re new here, hop over and read this post where I talk about my desire to give up sugar. And you can read a follow-up post about it here. Frankly, I’m not sure how much to share as I am still processing what I’ve learned over the past 40 days. First, though, I will say that if I can give up…

What I’m Loving, Edition July 2020

Well, folks. This is the last Favorite Things list before I go back to work next week. I cannot say enough how weird this summer has been. I’m hoping all of you have enjoyed your time home and are prepping for a new, and probably very different, school year. Honestly, as a speech therapist in our local school, I’m not even really sure how to prepare. But we’ll get through it,…