Wired Differently

It was a Saturday morning. We were spending a few hours at the soccer field. Like we had every Saturday for weeks. Vivi had the first game of the morning and Jonah’s was after hers. As I sat on the sidelines with Jilli and Jonah, trying to cheer Vivi on, I could hear a nagging whine coming from Jonah’s chair. I sat up to ask him what was wrong. “I’m…

My Body Betrays Me

My body betrays me. Like clockwork at 3:41 a.m., I’m awakened by the pull of my bladder. Is it old-age or the fact that I’ve born children that makes this unwanted ritual a part of my nightly routine? I trudge toward the bathroom half-asleep, trying not to bump into walls or doors. Afterwards, I climb back into my warm bed, snuggling under the sheets. But my mind drifts. The snores…

Goals for 2021

Well, I’ve decided I’m not making any resolutions this year. Let’s face it – last year sort of sent us all over the edge in terms of unexpected happenings so I’ve kind of been turned off of resolutions. Thank you, COVID. You just keep on giving. But in listening to Mark Batterson on the That Sounds Fun Podcast a few weeks ago, I realized that I could still make some…

What I’m Loving, Edition January 2021

Ah, January. A month I’d had such high hopes for. Yet, this has been one of the most difficult starts to a new year that I’ve ever seen. Do you agree? We’ve been doing virtual school all month and I’m not going to lie. It’s hard. I’m thankful for amazing teachers. But it’s still hard. Add to that an unexpected appendectomy for one of my children, and I feel like…

When You Just Don’t Feel Thankful

I’d been wanting to start a gratitude jar for months. Seriously. Months. But I kept putting it off. That’s my personality – I get a great idea but I have such a hard time getting motivated enough to start it. Or I feel fearful that I would start the thing but then wouldn’t stick with it. Also a trait of my wonderful personality. I had this dream that I could…

What Will 2021 Bring? And My Word of the Year

Well, here we are – already a couple weeks into January. I had hoped that 2021 would be a little better than 2020 but alas, it seems that the crazy just keeps on coming. Peter keeps trying to share all the news headlines with me but frankly, I just want to stay in my little bubble. I keep telling him, “I’m just going to live my life.” I’m not exactly…

Hindsight is 2020

When 2020 began, we were all looking forward to a new year of fresh starts. I feel fairly confident saying that none of us had any idea what 2020 would actually hold. As I prepared for this post, I went back to January to look at the word I felt God had given me for 2020. My word was cultivate. I had all these plans for how I was going…

What I’m Loving, Edition December 2020

2020 has almost drawn to a close – can you believe it? This past year has definitely been interesting and I’m not sure 2021 will be much different. Christmas is over and as we gear up for New Year’s celebrations, I wanted to share a few things I’ve been loving this month. The Crown: If you haven’t been watching The Crown on Netflix, then I don’t quite know what to…

When We Need God’s Assurance

Several weeks ago, our family traveled to East Tennessee to spend some time at Dollywood. We were all looking forward to a few days away from the stress and busyness of our actual lives, and the children were excited to ride roller coasters and have a little bit of fun. As we entered the park, Peter decided to take the three older kids with him so they could ride all…

Favorite Books of the Year and a Giveaway!

UPDATE: The winner of the book drawing is Shari B.! Congratulations! I will be contacting you soon and ordering you the book of your choice. Thank you, everyone, for participating!   It’s my favorite post of the year! The one where I share all my favorite books and give one away – stay with me till the end so you can enter to win! Before I start with my list,…