Do You Trust Me?

Our basement flooded. Three times in a 24-hour period. Eight hours of vacuuming up water, at least 100 gallons sucked up and dumped outside, only to have the waters rise again two more times. The standing water over and over was disheartening. The anger emanating from Peter was palpable. I tried to keep a healthy perspective. No one was dead, after all. But how much money was this going to…

4 Things I Learned from a 40-Day Sugar Fast

I recently completed a sugar fast using The 40 Day Sugar Fast by Wendy Speake. I’ve done this once before but felt led to do it again to kick off 2025. I was excited to see if I could actually complete this challenge and if I would feel closer to Jesus over the course of these 40 days. Here are 4 things I learned. I can do hard things First…

What I’m Loving, Edition February 2025

Happy end of February! What a month we’ve had here in Tennessee. First we had fake Spring with beautiful warm weather, then flash flooding, and last – snow! Never a dull moment, that’s for sure! Here are a few things I’ve been loving recently: (some links are affiliate, as usual) Something to Read: The Borrowed Life of Frederick Fife: This book, y’all. We read this for one of our recent…

What I’m Loving, Edition January 2025

Happy New Year! Can’t believe it’s already 2025, can you? Here are a few things I’ve been loving lately. (Some links are affiliate)  Something to Listen To: Blurry Creatures Episode 274 with Tom Doyle: Somehow I stumbled onto the Blurry Creatures podcast and sort of found it fascinating. I don’t listen to every episode but I definitely listened to this one! Tom Doyle is one of my favorite people and…

Word of the Year, 2025

It’s currently 1:48 a.m. and I can’t sleep. Obviously. I’ve been awake for over two hours, tossing and turning and finally decided I’d had enough. This is unfortunately becoming a regular pattern, waking in the middle of the night. I don’t want to become one of those old women who wander around the house for hours while the rest of the family is sleeping, but if things don’t change soon,…

Favorite Books of 2024! (Part 2)

Hi, friends! I’m back with Part 2 of my favorite reads in 2024. If you missed my previous post, you can find my list of favorite fiction, favorite mystery/thrillers, and favorite historical fiction here. Below you’ll find my favorite nonfiction, favorite religious books, and my Top 8 Books of 2024. If you’re looking for something to read over the holidays or you need a last minute gift for someone, I’m…

Favorite Books of 2024! (Part 1)

Hey, friends! It’s time for my favorite post of the year – all the best books from 2024! I’ve really branched out with my “reading” the past few months, incorporating not only actual books and books on my kindle, but also…wait for it… AUDIOBOOKS! I know – shocking, right? No one is more surprised than I am! Don’t get me wrong – I still love to hold and read an…

A New Name

” I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it.” I’ve had Revelation 2:17 in a note on my phone for over a year now. It jumped out at me at some point as I was reading through the final book of the Bible, and I hurriedly typed it in an attempt to remind myself that it meant something. It stirred something inside…

What I’m Loving, Edition November 2024

Hi, Friends! I don’t know about you, but I’m so glad it’s finally November. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I’m looking forward to all the celebrations the next couple months bring. Here are a few of my recent faves! Something to Read: The Housemaid: I finally jumped on the bandwagon with this book and it did not disappoint. Lots of twists and turns in this one! Stay away from…

When We Can’t See Hurt People

A few days ago, Jillienne and I were in the car talking about all manner of things, as you do with a six year old. We discussed dinner options, what toys we might play with later that evening, which led to talk of a game she had played with her friends earlier at recess. In passing, she mentioned how sometimes her friends fall down and get hurt on the playground…