What I’m Loving, Edition June 2024

Hi, friends! I feel like I’ve been AWOL lately here on the blog. It’s summer and frankly I don’t even know what day it is most of the time but here are a few recent things I’m loving.

Something to Read:

I read Tom Lake a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it. This is a quiet story set during COVID which follows a mother’s retelling of her younger years to her adult children who have moved back home because of the pandemic. It was beautifully written and character driven. I’m drawn to author Ann Patchett’s writing for a lot of reasons, one of which is that she owns a local bookstore in Nashville.

Several people had recommended the biography of Eugene Peterson, called A Burning in My Bones, so I picked it up as soon as it became available from the library. Peterson is the author of The Message Bible translation, along with many other works. This book is a beautiful tribute to Peterson. Tenderly written, it shows the reader what a humble, holy life he lived, guiding us to be more like Jesus.

Something to Wear:

This pink jumpsuit is one of my favorite purchases of the summer so far! It’s super comfy and easy to wear so you can look put together with little effort. I think lots of you probably have a version of this jumpsuit but the pink is so summery! I love it!

I bought this striped dress for our recent trip to Lisbon and I’m so glad I did. Again, it’s easy to wear and after adding a bit of jewelry, I felt very put together. You can add a belt for a more defined waist or leave it flowy like I did.

This matching set is super soft and also one of my favorite purchases recently. Comfortable and looks like you’re put together with basically no effort. Are you sensing a theme??


Alright. I’m way late to the party on this, but I recently watched the Barbie movie and y’all. I LOVED IT! Ryan Gosling is the perfect, hilarious Ken, the movie is very poignant, and I cried like a baby at the end, which is a surprise to no one.

I heard about this podcast on another podcast and immediately downloaded it. The premise is how Dinah in the Old Testament and the woman at the well in the New Testament are connected because both of their stories take place in the same city. I realize that doesn’t sound very intriguing, but listen – I learned so much about the woman at the well. It basically turned everything I’ve been taught about her on its head! If you listen to this series, let me know so we can discuss!

I think that’s it for this month! Let me know what you’re loving right now!