Recently, Jillienne discovered a small American flag that she’d given to Peter a couple months ago. As she plucked it from the jar on Peter’s desk, she began waving the flag above her head and skipping around the living room, singing remnants of “You’re a Grand Ole Flag.” I smiled as her song created sweet background music while I worked in the kitchen. Soon, though, I heard Jonah exclaim, “Stop smacking me with the American flag!”
After reprimanding Jillienne and shooing the kids upstairs to play, I turned my attention back to my tasks in the kitchen. But I couldn’t get Jonah’s phrase out of my head.
Stop smacking me with the American flag!
Isn’t that what we as Americans do? Even those of us who profess to be Christians?
“If you don’t support the legislation on this side of the aisle, how can you even call yourself a Christian?”
“If you support the bill on that side, there is no way you’re a Christian!”
“America first!”
I could go on and on.
I’m tired of it.
Frankly, I don’t even watch the news anymore. I know I should care, and I do to a certain extent, but both sides are right and both sides are wrong and there are corrupt politicians everywhere.
Yes, I love living in America. But America is not my home.
Jesus is my home and I want to live in a way that honors Him and honors others. Yet when we, who are supposed to be Christ-followers, fight with each other and claim to have the “correct” pathway to what God wants for our country, well, it’s a turn-off. Not only to me but to those who are watching us.
So as we celebrate the birth of our country tomorrow, let’s do so with pride – I think that’s okay. But let’s also show love to each other, forgiveness, an openness and a willingness to listen. And let’s do it all with grace and gratitude for this time and place in which we live.