What I’m Loving, Edition June 2022

Hi, friends! And happy summer! I pray you are enjoying some rest and maybe a vacation or two here and there. It’s been relatively quiet here on the home front this summer so far. We’ve visited family in New Orleans and will be taking a quick vacation in July but mostly we are hanging out in our pool, reading, and watching movies at home together as a family.

Here are some of my favorite things this month: (some links are affiliate)

First, a couple podcasts:

This podcast: You guys know I’ll always have a podcast recommendation for you, and this month I’ve got two. First, I’m recommending the That Sounds Fun interview with David Thomas. David is a counselor here in Nashville and I love listening to his wisdom surrounding raising healthy boys. He just released a new book and workbook on raising emotionally strong boys which are on my to-buy list to work through with Jonah. Have you read anything by David Thomas? If so, I’d love to know what you thought!

This podcast: The next one I’m recommending is also from Annie F Downs. It’s her interview with John Eldredge. John has become one of my favorite people to read and follow. He has so much wisdom in how to live in union with Jesus. He’s the author of Wild at Heart, which was very popular many years ago, but more recently, this book has become my favorite and one I keep going back to. His newest book is Resilient and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. He also has a One Minute Pause app which is great for recentering our minds back on Jesus. The app even has a 30 Days to Resilient feature that I just started and so far I love it!

A Snack!

Trader Joe’s Spicy Chakri Mix: I took the kids to Trader Joe’s earlier this month to see what all the hype is about. We came home with lots of goodies to try, and honestly, I wasn’t super impressed with much of it. But this Indian snack mix that I grabbed on a whim was a winner! It has just the right amount of spice and a little goes a long way. If you’re up for trying new things, grab a bag of this!

Something to Read:

This book for your middle grader readers: I just finished doing a read aloud of this book with my kids. It’s set in Denmark during World War II and follows two families, one who is Jewish, and how their lives are affected by the war. My kids were not super excited about being read to (they’re 5th and 6th graders, after all) but they were hooked by this story. If you’ve got an 8-12 year old and you’re looking for something for them to read, grab this book. It’s short but engaging!

One more book for the middle graders you have: Jonah received this set of books (only $24 for 5 books) for Christmas and immediately devoured them. He’s been asking me to read them ever since but I just haven’t had the time. Well, let me tell you… I’ve already read two, and they are quite entertaining. Again, if you’re looking for an adventurous story where kids are the heroes, grab this set of books. I think they’ll love them!

Something for you!

Cycle Bar: Brienne and I have really gotten into Cycle Bar in Nashville. It’s a spin studio which offers a variety of cycling classes based on different music, and it’s so much fun! We’ve done a Taylor Swift ride, A Backstreet Boys ride, and several others. If you’ve got a Cycle Bar near you, check it out this summer. I think you’ll love it! And you’ll get a great workout in the process.

As you can see, our summer has been filled with lots of reading, podcasts, and exercise so far. Check out some of the things I’m recommending and let me know what you think. What are some of your favorites things from June?