What I’m Loving, Edition August 2021

It’s the end of August and time for my favorite things!

  1. Who Is Maud Dixon? I just finished this book – it’s been getting a lot of buzz. Y’all. It was interesting and shocking and unexpected. I realize those words are redundant, but if you need something to read, this is the one you want to grab!
  2. This podcast: It’s no secret I love Annie F Downs, but maybe it is a secret that I love Dave Barnes and Jon Mclaughlin. These guys were on Annie’s live podcast a couple weeks ago and I literally could not stop laughing. I was in the drive-through line at Popeyes while listening and I’m sure everyone around me was wondering what was so funny. If you need something to brighten your day, and who doesn’t, give this a listen.
  3. Betabrand pants: I bought a pair of these last year and loved them so this year I bought another. If you need dress pants that are super comfy, look no further than these.
  4. Coming home to my pool: Now, I realize not all of you can do this. But I’ve loved being in my pool lately – it’s been so unbelievable hot here in Tennessee that nothing else seems to cool me off. Plus it wears the kids out so that’s always a plus! 🙂

What are your favorite things this month?

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