What I’m Loving, Edition January 2021

Ah, January. A month I’d had such high hopes for. Yet, this has been one of the most difficult starts to a new year that I’ve ever seen. Do you agree?

We’ve been doing virtual school all month and I’m not going to lie. It’s hard. I’m thankful for amazing teachers. But it’s still hard. Add to that an unexpected appendectomy for one of my children, and I feel like we’re barely hanging on.

I feel like we all need a pick-me-up right now. So here are some of my favorite things from the month. Enjoy!

  1. The Queen’s Gambit: Okay, E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y has been talking about this show on Netflix. If you haven’t heard of it, you’ve apparently been living under a rock. This is the Netflix description: “In a 1950s orphanage, a young girl reveals an astonishing talent for chess and begins an unlikely journey to stardom while grappling with addiction.” Trust me, it’s very good – check it out!
  2. Neck Firming Cream: As I may have mentioned before, Peter keeps accusing me of looking for the fountain of youth. And my response? “Yeah? So what!” Ha! I’m definitely trying my best to hold back time. I recently bought this neck firming cream because, well, as my children like to tell me, my neck is crinkly. (Necks are weird.) Anyway, I really like the fresh scent of this cream, and I think, maybe, it’s helping with the crinkles. At any rate, it can’t hurt, right?
  3. This makeup mirror: Our bathroom was designed so that I could have a little sitting area to do my makeup each morning. But we’ve lived in this house for over a year and I just continued to stand at the bathroom sink to apply my makeup and fix my hair, not really wanting to spend the extra money on a mirror and stool. Peter decided to buy me those things for Christmas because he knew I wouldn’t buy them for myself, and y’all. I’ve never been happier. I walk into my bathroom each morning and each night, sit on my little stool, turn on my mirror, and happily apply my neck firming cream or my makeup or fix my hair. It’s such a luxury for me. This particular mirror has LED lights, one side is your normal mirror, and the other is magnified. And it’s on clearance right now at Target, so if you’re on the hunt for a new mirror, check this one out!!
  4. This book: I’m a big fan of the Robert Galbraith books which follow the private detective Cormoran Strike. If you’re not familiar with these books, they were written by JK Rowling (of Harry Potter fame) under the Galbraith pseudonym. They’re crude and vulgar with lots of language, I won’t lie to you, but the mysteries are deep and complex and I never guess who the culprit is. I’m always surprised at the end! And aren’t those the best books – the ones that take you by surprise? I just finished this latest installment and it did not disappoint.

Alright, that’s it for January. What are you loving these days?