Today, as I write, Holy Week begins around the world. In many faith traditions, this is a sacred time of celebration and reflection. A time to slow down, remembering the sacrifice of Jesus 2000 years ago.
During this week we meditate on the triumphal entrance of Jesus,
The last supper,
The betrayal,
The cross, and ultimately,
The resurrection of our Lord.
But I wonder sometimes if we can truly fathom the power of the cross and all that it means.
This morning at church I taught a large group of teenagers. It isn’t often that I’m in charge of both the boys and the girls, but today happened to be one of those days where I taught all of them. I was a little wary about the lesson I had planned, unsure that the boys would want to be engaged.
You see, we were talking about how Jesus ushers in God’s Kingdom in our lives. I gave each student a piece of paper and a marker and asked them to draw or write things that tempt them to sin or that interfere with their relationship with Jesus.
As they wrote, I prayed the boys wouldn’t think this was too “girly” for them. But my eyes began welling up with tears as each student began writing word after word, filling their pages with things that come between them and Jesus. Although I didn’t read any of their writings, I knew they were truly thinking about this task.
Later in the lesson, I told the students to turn their paper over and write all the things that Jesus means to them. All the things He did in scripture. All the words they could think of to describe HIm. Again I watched as they wrote word after word, thinking about who Jesus is and what He has done.
After everyone had completed the task, I gave each person a piece of tape and we taped these papers, these descriptions of Jesus, to the wall.
In the shape of a cross.
It was a powerful moment as we reflected on all the things that interfere with our relationships with Jesus. As we read some of the descriptions Jesus.
As we gazed upon the cross.

I became emotional this morning, just as I am now, as I spoke to these precious teens that I love so much. I want them to love Jesus with their whole being. I want them to trust Him, knowing that we are powerless but He is so powerful.
Friends, this year as we enter Holy Week, let’s focus on the cross, surrendering to Jesus all those things that get in the way, allowing Him to guide us.
Happy Easter