If this deployment has taught me anything, it’s this: I am much more of an introvert than I ever thought. I mean, I’ve always known that I have introvert tendencies. I can only handle crowds for so long before my eyes start glossing over, I start getting antsy, I shut down, and I begin searching for the nearest exit.
But this deployment has greatly exaggerated those tendencies.
This is Peter’s sixth deployment so I should be an old pro at it by now. And basically I am. I do a fairly good job giving my worries and concerns about Peter over to the Lord, I don’t really worry about his safety too much, and I can function on my own without him although I really miss him and would love for him to be at home helping me with the kids and such.
But on all his previous deployments, we were either childless, I was pregnant with Brienne, or she was very young and I could send her to bed early while I had some alone time. Being the introvert that I am, I need lots of time to myself before I can be functional in a social environment.
With this deployment, I get NO ALONE TIME.
It doesn’t matter what time I get up in the morning. As soon as I walk into the kitchen for a cup of coffee, I can hear Vivi calling my name. And that’s before turning on even one light. If I don’t get her out of bed, she will wake up the other kids in the house so I usually get her up and throw her in the bed with me while I read the Bible. All day long, I have kids hanging on me or around me. And Brienne stays up as late as I do so evening time is no better.
The three mornings Vivi attends school, I am usually working out, grocery shopping, or running errands.
It’s not enough recovery time for this introvert, people.
For those of you with outgoing personalities, I know you think this is all a ploy to get away from my kids for an hour or two every day. I promise you, it’s not. I seriously can not function around others if I am not re-energized by some times of solitude.
Psychology Today defines introverts as people who are “drained by social encounters and energized by solitary, often creative pursuits.”
This describes me to a tee.
Yesterday was a really hard day. Everything my children did got on my nerves. They were just being kids but I couldn’t handle it. The final straw occurred at bedtime. I was attempting to pray for Jonah and he would not stop playing with his toys, even after multiple instructions to put the toys down. It sent me over the edge, I grabbed the toys from him, and I stopped praying.
I’m such an awesome mom.
I recognized that I was in dire need of some time to myself to reenergize and rejuvenate my spirit.
Lysa Terkeurst posted this on her Facebook page and it hit me hard:
Today, let’s be determined to see blessings in the midst of things that seem like burdens.
Sometimes, I see my children as burdens. Can you relate? They are always underfoot; calling my name 8,000 times a day; fighting with each other; always needing to be fed…
Of course, our children are not burdens. They are the most amazing blessings that the Lord could bestow on us. But for those of us who are introverts (and maybe for those of you who aren’t), it is difficult and stressful to maintain our sanity until the end of the day. I know many of my friends would agree that bath time and bedtime are the most exhausting and demanding parts of each day.
However, we don’t need to give in to the frustrations caused by our introvert tendencies.
For the past several weeks at preschool, Vivienne has been learning about the fruit of the Spirit during chapel. I have been able to attend a few of these services and I love how the teachers talk about these often difficult and abstract words on a level that three-year olds can understand. And oftentimes, I also benefit from people teaching in a way that is simple and concrete.
Galatians 5:22-23 says this:
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control…
This morning, I talked about these fruit with Jonah and Vivienne. When I asked them what some of these words meant, they gave me some very profound responses.
“Don’t yell at people. Control your mouth.”
“Don’t hit your friends. And don’t kick. You can only kick a soccer ball.”
“Be nice and hug everybody.”
“Be nice. Don’t be mean to anybody.”
“Share your toys.”
Being an an introvert doesn’t mean that I have a right to lose control of my emotions when I’m feeling drained.
Being an introvert doesn’t give me the right to omit love and kindness from my life when I’m feeling suffocated.
Being an introvert may mean that I need to make time for some creative solitude.
But most importantly, being an introvert means I need to rely on Christ to fill me back up with His Holy Spirit.
What are your thoughts on this topic? I would love to know if you are an extrovert or an introvert. If you’re an introvert, tell me some things you do to replenish and rejuvenate your spirit.
Hi Adrienne! I am so grateful for COMPEL and getting to be able to follow you and get to know you better through your blog. Thank you for your honesty in this post – I had the “I’m such an awesome mom” (NOT) moment yesterday. My 5 year old was purposefully trying to get on my nerves.. and I let my nerves win. I told him to “go away and leave me alone” – mature right? I later had to apologize to him and explain that I love him very much but mommy sometimes needs space.
It’s so funny talking about introverts/extroverts – because if you ask anyone at my church or a lot of my friends, they will say I’m an extrovert without hesitation! But if you ask me or my husband – I’d say I’m an introvert. And if I take a personality test, it says I’m an ambivert which is smack dab in the middle of both.
I’ll be praying for you while you have to do it all while your husband is deployed. Thank you so much for sharing your words and helping us mamas realize we are not alone – and then giving us some good reminders. 🙂
Thank you so much for your comments, Chelsey! I appreciate your prayers more than you can fathom. And let me say that I have to apologize to my kids. A lot!
I just followed your blog- your website looks amazing! I can’t wait to read some of your stuff. Are you going to SheSpeaks? I’m going for the first time this year and can’t wait.
Thank you! I will not be going to She Speaks this year unfortunately but I hope to go some year in the future! It’s such a dream of mine.
I can identify completely, Adrienne! The good news is this gets better as the kids get older. Mine are 14 and 11 now and they understand that sometimes Mom needs a time out. They are old enough to respect that and manage themselves for 20 minutes or so while I generally do absolutely nothing, but I do it quietly. lol. It was hard when they were little and I found myself hiding out in the bathroom a lot feeling immensely guilty, but in such dire need of “me time” that I didn’t know what else to do!! I’ll be praying for you, that you find those quiet minutes when you need them most. Thanks for your honest and real blogs. You’re doing a great job, Mom.
Thank you, Erin! Yes, guilt is definitely something I can struggle with if I’m not careful. Growing up, I don’t remember my mom ever taking time away from us, so I feel guilty when I start feeling the need to GET AWAY! Thanks for your encouragement. Glad your boys allow you to have some time to do nothing!
Hi Adrienne! I completely understand! While my kids are now older, I definitely remember those moments. It just makes being filled up with the Holy Spirit even more valuable! Keep at it, keep praying, and I’ll be praying for you too as you manage with your husband gone. Bless both of you for your service! (His and yours to support him :)!) Nice to link up with you from Kelly’s site and hope to meet you at She Speaks!
Thanks for the encouragement, Jill! Yes I will be at She Speaks! Can’t wait!