Today the kids went back to school. Glory! I shouldn’t be so excited that school is back in session, but… YAY!
This has been a hard summer. I remember last year at this time I was mourning the end of our summer vacation. And it seems like just a few weeks ago that I was running around the house singing “School’s. Out. For. Summer!” at the top of my lungs.
But at the start of this new school year, I’m rejoicing. The little kids are at an age where they are constantly fighting. The screaming and yelling and arguing over toys – I’m over it, people. And look. I’ve tried everything. Spankings. Time-outs. Hand holding. Scripture. If you can name it, I’ve probably tried it. Nothing has worked. Nothing. But now, they will be separated for eight glorious hours a day.
Instead of mourning the end of summer, we should rejoice with our kids in their accomplishments and we should commit to pray for them. Here are some things I’m praying for my children this school year.
Brie: kindness towards those who need a friend; purity; boldness in her faith; protection over what she sees and hears (Middle School, y’all…)
7th grade – really??
Jonah: improvement in social skills; developing real friendships; obedience and fewer meltdowns (and patience for his sweet teacher!)
Sweet boy was so excited for “big school!”
Technically, today is only “Open House” for Vivi.
And she wasn’t thrilled about having her picture taken.
(Honestly, I had to bribe her by telling her I would take
her shoe shopping today. This girl…)
Ecclesiastes chapter three, verses one and four say that “there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” I am excited for this season of our lives. I’m thrilled that Brienne thrives at school, I’m excited (and admittedly a little anxious) that Jonah is in a regular pre-K class, and I’m happy that Vivienne has the opportunity to attend preschool a few mornings a week so that she can learn about Jesus and realize that it’s alright to be away from Mommy for a bit.
This is a good season for us as a family. So today I won’t be sad, I won’t weep, and I won’t mourn.
Today I will choose to laugh, and rejoice.